International Network

New Energy Coalition specifically seeks cooperation with international knowledge institutions, institutes, companies and civil society organisations. We do this by working together in European Commission programmes, such as Horizon 2020 projects, LIFE projects and Marie-Curie networks. We also maintain good contacts with international organisations such as the International Energy Agency (IEA), UNIDO and the World Energy Council (WEC). We work together with UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organisation) in the Global Cleantech Innovation Programme.
We support the region’s SMEs in taking international steps. We do this through the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), for which New Energy Coalition acts as Local Network Contact Point. By means of a comprehensive network of sister organisations, we can establish targeted contact with potential clients and partners abroad or offer access to international thematic groups and meetings.
Our energy business school boasts a strong international profile and offers education and training programmes for professionals from the international energy sector.