Educational programme Hydrogen Works starts with Provincial contribution

With a contribution of 3 million euros from the Province of Groningen, the training programme Hydrogen Works can get started. With the subsidy from the provincial programme, the project partners are putting together a broad training programme in the field of hydrogen. This will involve education, training, traineeships and work placements at MBO, HBO, WO and professional level. Adriaan Beenen, regional ambassador at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Change, and Nienke Homan, provincial minister for Groningen, presented a symbolic cheque to the partners involved today during the Wind Meets Gas symposium.

In the coming years, the province of Groningen will develop into the centre of the hydrogen economy, with investments from the government and the business community. This will create opportunities for the region: growth, innovation and employment. For this new energy economy to succeed, the availability of sufficient skilled people in the region is of the utmost importance.
The educational institutions involved are working together on a coordinated approach and programme in the northern region. Among other things, a learning community is being set up with the business community, with attention to retraining and further training, and a knowledge database for hydrogen.
About the project
The programme is an initiative of New Energy Coalition in cooperation with educational institutions and the business community. It has a total volume of over 7 million euros and is co-financed by the partners from the business community, the educational institutes and New Energy Coalition. In the coming years, ‘Waterstof Werkt’ (Hydrogen Works) is intended to give a boost to regional education in order to meet the demand for knowledge about jobs in the sustainable energy sector and the hydrogen economy in particular. The project will run from 2022 to 2027.
The project consortium consists of: ROC Alfa-college, ROC Noorderpoort, Hanze UAS Groningen, University of Groningen, New Energy Coalition.
Co-financiers of Hydrogen Works are: EBN, GasTerra, Gasunie, NAM, New Energy Coalition, Bouwend Nederland, Afeer, Stork, Municipality of Groningen, Shell Nederland.