Energy hotspots North Holland North, Friesland, Groningen join forces

The signing of a letter of intent early March marked the start of the linking of northern energy expertise centres. Energiecampus Leeuwarden (Friesland), Expertisecentrum Investa (gasification technology – North Holland North) and Centre of Expertise Energy EnTranCe (Groningen) will form a network. In this way, the parties expect to be more effective in the (further) development of their sustainable energy projects. The collaboration will be open to suitable partners, such as EmmTranCe and Groningen Seaports. New Energy Coalition, where the collaborating parties are already joined as coalition partners, will supervise and facilitate the process.
Since 2021, New Energy Coalition has been involved in the (further) development of the Leeuwarden Energy Campus. This has included making the connection to other -complementary- developments in the region, such as those at EnTranCe, Groningen Seaports, InVesta, Water Campus, and the Dairy Campus, in order to contribute knowledge and expertise and possibly jointly formulate a national/international project to strengthen the ambitions.
For now, the intention to connect the three energy hotspots has been established.
About the parties:
Energie Campus Leeuwarden focuses on upscaling new energy applications in a (semi-) commercial environment with options for supporting research and education.
EnTranCe provides a testing ground for innovation, new energy entrepreneurship, research and education, including associated research groups in the economic, technical, social and legal fields, knowledge infrastructure and accreditations;
InVesta focuses on stimulating and facilitating research, start-ups, application and valorisation of knowledge in the field of thermochemical conversion of (biogenic) waste flows to sustainable energy carriers such as green gases, H2, biofuels and raw materials for the chemical industry;