EU-accreditation for New Energy Coalition

Recently, New Energy Coalition was officially accredited by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) as a ‘EU cluster organisation’. This EU quality label is of significance when participating in European projects. The first step (bronze) has now been taken.
‘This confirms the role and position of New Energy Coalition in the energy ecosystem at regional and European level,’ says CEO Marieke Abbink. ‘Of course we are aiming for gold, but that route starts with this first step. In the Netherlands there are only 3 organisations in our playing field with this qualification. This opens even more European doors for us’.
The label for European Cluster Organisations contributes, among other things, to the organisation’s profile when participating in European funded projects. Obtaining the bronze label is a first important step towards further optimising the cluster activities carried out by New Energy Coalition in the field of innovation development and R&D.
About ESCA
The European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) is an EU body that assesses cluster organisations on various criteria. On this basis, the organisation can be assigned a label (graduated from bronze, to silver to gold). This label says something about the type and quality of the organisation.
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