H2 Knowledge Café: supply and demand in balance

The new hydrogen economy is taking shape. More and more hydrogen projects are being initiated in North Holland North and we are starting to see the first examples of scaling. One challenge that still remains is the well-known chicken-and-egg story. Without sufficient supply of (affordable) hydrogen, demand lags behind. And vice versa, without sufficient demand, production does not take off. On the supply side, the tipping point seems to have been reached; producers are ready. The only problem to date has been the difficulty in finding sufficient customers.
How do we bring supply and demand together? In this first series of the H2 Knowledge Café, we will explore together concrete solutions to balance hydrogen supply and demand in North Holland North.
What can you expect this afternoon?
– Informative presentations from the field
– Ample room for dialogue
– A pleasant closing with opportunity for networking
Ontwikkelingsbedrijf Noord-Holland Noord (in Gebouw C van Inholland Alkmaar)
Bergerweg 200
1817MN Alkmaar
Parking is available on the grounds of Inholland Alkmaar University of Applied Sciences or at the nearby P&R Bergemeer (parking lot on the west side of Alkmaar opposite the Rabobank office). The entrance to Building C is located immediately on the right when you enter the Inholland grounds. Our office is also easily accessible by public transport from Alkmaar station.
Date: Thursday, September 21, 2023
Time: 17:00 – 19:00
Register now (for free) as a community member of WaterstofNHN to participate in this event. As a community member of WaterstofNHN, you can connect with relevant parties and participate in information sessions, panel discussions and matchmaking sessions.