Wind meets Gas 2024: From mind to matter

The event in the Northern Netherlands on hydrogen and offshore energy.
Welcome to Wind meets Gas 2024!
The event in the Northern Netherlands on hydrogen and offshore energy. Join us and be inspired by keynote speakers from the energy industry, government and academia. Participate in a wide variety of workshops and learn about the latest developments, broaden your network and create new business opportunities during the 1:1 matchmaking sessions.
From mind to matter
On Thursday, October 3rd we’ll delve into solutions for overcoming investment hesitations, featuring discussions on massive electrolysis capacity investments, the H2Global initiative, and international infrastructure coordination, particularly in the North Sea and Baltic regions. On Friday, October 4th, we are joined by the younger generation for discussions on regional plans for offshore wind-based hydrogen economies, focusing on local acceptance and welfare. We will close off this day with a very inspiring keynote by Milan Meyberg who gives nature a voice through Artificial Intelligence. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights from Northwestern Europe’s experiences!
Matchmaking sessions
We will facilitate the possibility of pre-arranged one-to-one meetings. The matchmaking sessions offer a great opportunity to meet new potential business and research partners active in the energy sector. The model is time and cost efficient and provides effective ways of meeting new partners! Meetings will take place in a dedicated area and you will be able to arrange them in advance by means of this website.
For access to Wind Meets Gas you can get your ticket by registering via the link below until the 26th of September. We ask €250.- for the entire event. This includes participation in workshops, matchmaking and catering services (attending dinner on the first night will be on first come first serve basis).
For more information on the event, please check the website.