‘Green across the border’ brings an overview into a jumble of sustainable fuels for trucks

A faster transition to renewable fuels in cross-border transport in the Euregio Rhine-Waal
The Interreg project ‘Green across the border’ provides transport companies in the Euregio Rhine-Waal with a clear overview of all sustainable fuels and engines. This overview is necessary because there is currently a lot of discussion about which alternative is the best choice. The result of this discussion is that transport companies do not make any choices and emissions – CO2, NOx, particulate matter – are not further reduced. By mapping out the various options, the project aims to enable the transport companies to better compare the options for sustainable fuels and engines. On this basis, they will be able to decide for themselves what is the best choice for them.
With the current range of sustainable fuels and alternative engines, the targets for CO2 reduction and other pollutants in the transport sector will not be met. The Dutch Energy Agreement and the German Climate Protection Plan therefore state that an energy mix is necessary for the transport sector. In recent years there have been several projects – such as eGLM and LNG PILOTS – that have investigated alternative fuels, but these have only focused on one specific fuel or propulsion technology. Green across the border’ investigates and informs transport companies about all possible options so that they can make the best choices.
Cross-border networks and knowledge exchange
The ‘Green across the border’ project also focuses on the further development of cross-border networks and the promotion of the exchange of knowledge. With a cross-border stakeholder analysis, the possibilities for German-Dutch cooperation in the field of alternative fuels are investigated. An analysis of potential tank locations for alternative fuels in North Rhine-Westphalia is also being carried out. All this is in line with a larger study of so-called CleanEnergy Hubs in the Netherlands. The analyses will be the subject of two (digital) workshops and a concluding conference to be held early next year.
Project partners
Project partners
In ‘Green across the border’ the province of Gelderland and POC Transport are represented in addition to New Energy Coalition from the Netherlands. Agiplan from Mülheim an der Ruhr and Energy Engineers GmbH from Gelsenkirchen are connected from Germany. The project has a duration of one year and will be completed in April 2021.
The first Workshop will be held as a Web conference on 25 June 2019 at 14.00 hours. Keep an eye on our website for more information.