HyDelta accelerates research into hydrogen applications

The internal kick-off, earlier this week was the formal launch of HyDelta, a national research programme aimed at the safe integration of hydrogen into the existing gas transport and distribution infrastructure. The cooperation programme seeks to remove barriers to innovative hydrogen projects and will run provisionally until January 2022. Innovations that are closest to market introduction will be tackled first. The HyDelta consortium is formed by DNV GL, Gasunie, Kiwa, Netbeheer Nederland, New Energy Coalition, TKI Nieuw Gas and TNO.
Because of practical obstacles in the field of permits, infrastructure or safety regulations, most innovative hydrogen projects do not get off the ground or are delayed. To start with, the HyDelta programme focuses on an integrated approach to solutions for the transport and use of hydrogen. Directly applicable research is central to this. Selected subjects are: technical adaptations to the natural gas network, safety in use, metering of hydrogen, odour and visibility, standardisation/standardisation, development of educational programmes, the effect of blending obligations and the economics of the hydrogen value chain. For all these subjects, current and planned (international) research and initiatives are followed up or elaborated on as much as possible.
‘This programme is the precursor to the actual application of green hydrogen in practice. This step is necessary and urgent in order to be able to accelerate and take further the many innovations that are now developing,’ says Jörg Gigler of TKI New Gas, part of the Dutch national Top Sector Energie and one of the financiers of the HyDelta programme.
Initial phase of the hydrogen economy
In recent years, there has been growing international awareness that the production and application of carbon-neutral hydrogen will be an indispensable part of the energy transition. Initiatives have also been taken in the Netherlands, both by the business community and by policymakers, to set up a ‘hydrogen economy’. Despite all the initiatives, the development of a hydrogen economy is still in its initial phase. Numerous questions remain unanswered, ranging from technical questions about the production and fitting of hydrogen into the transport and storage system to questions about its economic and legal aspects.
Results made public
On the initiative of Gasunie and Netbeheer Nederland, in mid-2020 the HyDelta consortium was formed comprising parties with extensive experience in researching and testing the transport and application of hydrogen. The consortium can carry out this phase of the research agenda for more than a year (until the end of January 2022, with a possible extension to the end of April 2022) because all the skills and experience required for this are present among the joint parties. A possible continuation and expansion of the programme from 2022 is expected to involve further expertise and consortium partners.
The results from the programme will be published and will therefore be available to the public. Up-to-date information can always be found at www.hydelta.nl.
About HyDelta
HyDelta is a national cooperation programme aimed at research into the short-term removal of barriers to large-scale green hydrogen projects so that innovations and applications can progress to the market. The programme maps current and proposed Dutch plans. The focus is on applicability in the short term.
The HyDelta consortium is formed by:
Funding: Gasunie – Netbeheer NL – TKI Nieuw Gas
Research and implementation: DNV GL – Kiwa – New Energy Coalition – TNO
Coordination of the project New Energy Coalition
Website: www.hydelta.nl