Who are you? New members Advisory Board Wilma Mansveld and Dick Pouwels

On 1 January 2022, Wilma Mansveld and Dick Pouwels joined New Energy Coalition’s Supervisory Board, succeeding Max van den Berg and Henk Pijlman, respectively.
Wilma Mansveld
Who are you and where are you from?
I’m Wilma Mansveld, born in the city of Hilversum, I grew up in Utrecht and moved to Groningen in 1987. One of the best decisions of my life. I’ve worked in many places but Groningen was and is always ‘home’ to me.
What do you do?
My job is director of the Groningen Safety Region (Veiligheidsregio Groningen), which is the fire brigade and crisis management organisation of the province of Groningen. I am also chairman of the Supervisory Board of the New Energy Coalition.
What would you like to do for the SB?
Besides my formal task in the SB, I would like to use my experience and network for this Coalition. And stimulate this network to action and results for the Northern Netherlands and all parties involved. As a region we can make the difference in the energy developments. This requires cooperation and trust (however difficult that may be sometimes).
How sustainable are you in every day practice?
I drive a hybrid car, we have solar panels on the roof of our house, the house itself is well insulated and has an A-energy label. Quite an investment, but with an immediate effect in our energy bill.
Dick Pouwels
Who are you and where are you from?
I’m Dick Pouwels, born in the town of Gorinchem and raised in Zuidhorn (near Groningen). After studying Business Economics at the University of Groningen, we moved to the middle of the country. I have worked throughout the country. Since 1 January 2021, I have been working for the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, and despite covid-limitations it does feel like ‘coming home’.
What do you do?
I am chairman of the Executive Board of Hanze UAS and also hold a number of management and supervisory posts. Within Hanze UAS, my portfolio includes the Centre of Expertise Energy and, on behalf of all universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands, I am member of the national Energy and Sustainability Theme Table to further shape the practical research of the universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands on this topic.
What would you like to do for the Supervisory Board?
Obviously the things that you are formally supposed to do as a member of the Board. In addition, it is especially important to me to ensure that we are able to bring together the ecosystem in New Energy in the north of the Netherlands, but also nationally and internationally, and to make it stronger through good research, innovation and human capital.
How sustainable are you in every day practice?
Our new house is full of solar panels. This means that we will be taking the heating and hot water supply ‘off the gas’ by installing a heat pump. In addition, my wife already drives fully electric and I will do the same from mid-April. Separating waste is something which our former home town is known for, so we will continue that habit. And finally, our garden will be laid out in such a way that there is plenty of room to enhance biodiversity. And fortunately gardening is my hobby!