Kick-off education programme Waterstof Werkt (‘Hydrogen Works’)

On Wednesday 30 March last, the various steering and working groups met at Noorderpoort College in Groningen for the kick-off of Hydrogen Works. This educational programme was introduced during the Wind Meets Gas 2022 conference. The “Hydrogen Works” programme will in the short term create a learning programme in the region in the field of hydrogen. It includes education, training and courses at intermediate vocational, higher vocational, university and post-initial (advanced professional) level. The educational institutions involved in the region are working together on a coordinated approach.
(Read more about the project)
During the meeting, the project and its goals were recalled. Furthermore, the core group members (RuG, Hanze, Alfa-College and Noorderpoort) gave a short update on the progress and status of their activities in the project.
Present were (representatives of) the steering committee: RuG, Hanze, Alfa-College, Noorderpoort, Techniek Nederland, Bouwend Nederland and WIJ-Techniek, the core group: RuG, Hanze, Alfa-College and Noorderpoort and consortium members Shell, Afeer, EBN, Gas Terra, Stork, Gasunie, NAM.