New Energy Business School gives hydrogen master class to Olympic champions

Yesterday, New Energy Business School gave a hydrogen masterclass to Olympic champions Kiran Badloe and Marit Bouwmeester. Our business school and MissieH2 have teamed up to teach MissieH2’s supporters all about hydrogen ahead of the 2024 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games. Part of this is that New Energy Business School is giving hydrogen master classes to the Olympic water athletes who are ambassadors of MissieH2.

Earlier this year in May, Olympic swimming champion Ranomi Kromowidjojo received the first masterclass at Gasunie in Groningen. New Energy Coalition colleague Jochem Durenkamp taught her all about hydrogen, she was able to see the hydrogen value chain of the northern Netherlands through our Virtual Reality Hydrogen Valley Tour and together with colleague and hydrogen expert Patrick Cnubben, she visited Groningen Seaports and Hydrogen Storage HyStock to see this value chain. Yesterday it was the turn of surfer and foiler Kiran Badloe and sailor Marit Bouwmeester. They were given a master class at Shell in The Hague by Jochem Durenkamp and Senior Expert Bert Stuij during which they were updated on hydrogen, the need for the energy transition and the role of hydrogen in this transition. The theory was then visualised through our Virtual Reality Hydrogen Valley Tour.
About MissieH2
Together with the government and a large number of Dutch companies, a fully functioning hydrogen market in 2030, that is what MissieH2 wants to ratify during the Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games Paris 2024. Companies and governments must jointly ensure enough signed investment decisions in the summer of 2024 to realise sufficient power from green hydrogen in 2030. That is why Gasunie, Shell Netherlands, Remeha, Toyota, Port of Amsterdam, Groningen Seaports, Vopak, Eneco and TeamNL are taking the lead in building the Dutch hydrogen economy and helping to spread the knowledge about hydrogen so that by 2030 there are enough specialists to do the job.
Our hydrogen education
Want to learn more about hydrogen or another topic within the energy transition? Check out New Energy Business School’s planned programmes or approach our colleagues for a tailor-made programme as they realised for the supporters of MissieH2.