ITEG (completed)

Integrating Tidal energy into the European Grid
ITEG develops and validates an integrated tidal energy and hydrogen production solution for clean energy generation to be demonstrated in Orkney. The project addresses energy related carbon emissions in North West Europe and will tackle grid export limitations faced in remote communities.
Start date: 01.01.2018
Ene date: 31.1.2022
Funding (percentage): 60%
Total costs: EUR 11.79M
Subsidy: Interreg NWE
Led by the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney, the ITEG project brings together partners from across the UK, France, Belgium and the Netherlands and will adopt three low carbon technologies (tidal turbine, electrolyser and Energy Management System)
The cost of pre-commercial demonstration for ocean energy is high and investors are reluctant to invest until the technology has been proven in the sea at scale. ITEG sets out to drive down these costs through the development of an integrated hydrogen production solution.
The integrated solution combines Orbital’s next generation 2 MW floating tidal energy converter, the Orbital O2, with EMEC’s 670 kW electrolyser and an onshore energy management system (EMS) at EMEC’s onshore hydrogen production site on the Orkney island of Eday.
More information on the project website: ITEG NWE
Our role
New Energy Coalition (i.c. predecessor Energy Valley) bring their expertise on the European green energy and energy storage sectors to advise on the replicability of the project. Their central role in the TSO 2020 project funded by the EU CEF Synergy programme for Holland and European energy networks industry for hydrogen and energy storage applications gives them a high value for the project. Energy Valley is engaged in several green energy project in the NWE arena and can also give access to their networks of public & private parties
- Agence de Développement pour la Normandie
- Orbital Marine Power
- Energy Valley/New Energy Coalition
- Université de Caen Normandie
- Université le Havre Normandie
- Ghent University
- Energy Systems Catapult
- Elogen
- Smart Hydrogen Consulting
For more information about this project please contact project manager Ingrid Klinge