Training professionals in the energy transition.
With NESSIE (NEw Skills & Spaces Impulse for the Education of aspiring energy-transition installers), we aim to recruit more human capital and accelerate knowledge transfer to professionals. We do this by developing and implementing innovative recruitment campaigns and new education modules based on local, regional and (inter)national best practices.
- Project duration: 1-1-2024 – 31-1-2027
- Budget: €3,383,172
- Grantor: Interreg North Sea Region
- Grant programme: Call 3C (FA)
- Grant number: 41-2-24-23

The EU Green Deal aims to make the EU climate neutral by 2050. To achieve this, a significant, rapid increase in sufficient staff and skills of craftsmen in the field of energy transition is crucial. Through NESSIE, we contribute to this by training future human capital. Employment of energy transition craftsmen, including electricians, installers, service technicians and plumbers, needs to grow exponentially and millions of jobs need to be created in the coming years to make the energy transition a reality.
Our role
We are the coordinator and support the various activities within the project. The focus of this relates to the organisation of workshops and replication activities, where we assist the project partners. We are also responsible for implementing the project’s communication and dissemination initiatives and involved in organising the final conference.
New Energy Coalition, Provinsje Fryslân, Morbihan Energies, Gemeente Ameland, Flux50, Aalborg Universitet, Samsø Energiakademi Forening, Firda, Berufsbildende Schulen Borkum, Nordseeheilbad Borkum GmbH, Ortshandwerkerschaft Borkum, Learning Hub Friesland, Institute Universitaire de Technologie (UIT) and Lorient-Pontivy
This project has received funding from call 3C (FA) of Interreg Norh Sea under No 41-2-24-23. This page reflects the views only of the author, and Interreg North Sea is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.