The development, realisation and deployment of Renewable Energy Valleys in Europe.
REFORMERS (Regional Ecosystems FOR Multiple-Energy Resilient System) aims to realise a CO2-neutral and 100% self-sufficient Renewable Energy Valley (REV) in the vicinity of Alkmaar and Heiloo. In doing so, experiences in this ‘Flagship Valley’ will be used to develop a blueprint for the further roll-out of REVs in Europe.
- Project duration: 1/11/2023 – 31/10/2027
- Budget: EUR 19 649 625,13
- Grantor: European Executive Agency for Climate, Infrastructure and Environment (CINEA)
- Grant programme: Horizon Europe
- Grant number: 101136211
Shaping and accelerating the energy transition requires the integration of different energy carriers. While the focus in energy transition is mostly on further electrification, there is also an important role for ‘green molecules’ and ‘sustainable heat’. REFORMERS is the first Horizon Europe project to focus on the integration of the entire value chain – production, storage, distribution, conversion, and application – of multiple sustainable energy carriers (such as hydrogen, green gas, electricity and heat).
Our role
New Energy Coalition acts as Flagship Valley Coordinator of the project in which it provides coordination to the Flagship Valley ecosystem to demonstrate the several energy innovations. In addition, New Energy Coalition plays a strong role in replicating and exploiting the knowledge gained and successful experiences to other Renewable Energy Valleys.
In addition to New Energy Coalition, the consortium consists of 27 other parties from 10 different countries:
Free University of Brussels (VUB), AIT Austrian institute of Technology GMBH, Sustainable Heiloo Foundation, Ethniko kentro erevnas kai technologikis anaptyxis (CERTH), Fundacion circe centro de investigacion de recursos y consumos energeticos (CIRCE), Konin-miasto na prawach powiatu, Dender Durme en Schelde, EUREC EESV, Narodowa agencja poszanowania energii sa (NAPE), Rise research institues of Sweden AB, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Deep blue SRL, Delft University of Technology, Dimos Kozanis (MoK), Holzwelt Murau, Alliander NV, Gemeente Alkmaar, NV HVC, HYnoca Alkmaar BV, Institute for valorisation and expertise of thermochemics Alkmaar (InVesta), Sustenso Boekelmeer holding BV, REPOWERED BV, Methetnet BV, NXT Mobility, STOFF2 GmbH, and Eidgenossische Materialprufungs- und Forschungsanstalt (EMPA).
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Europe Horizon research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101136211. This website reflects only the author’s view and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), under the powers delegated by the European Commission, is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.