The TRIÉRÉS project is delivering a local hydrogen valley around Motor Oil Hellas’ refinery, with broad applications from industry to mobility.
Project time: 01/07/2023 – 01/07/2028
Budget: €10.492.431,-
Subsidiser: Clean Hydrogen Partnership
Grant programma: Horizon Europe
Grant agreement number: 101112056

The project accelerates the energy transition with innovative solutions for production, storage and use of green hydrogen. It reduces dependence on fossil fuels and decarbonises part of the local mobility, industry and energy sector. By cleverly integrating hydrogen into energy systems, renewable energy becomes more flexible. The project promotes cooperation, innovation and economic growth.
Our role
We are strengthening the TRIÉRÉS Valley by building connections with existing and emerging Hydrogen Valleys, identifying best practices, funding mechanisms and impact, and developing criteria to optimise the Valley. We also support regions such as Cyprus, Israel, Bulgaria, Crete and Egypt with collaboration and twinning, and connect TRIÉRÉS with international initiatives such as Mission Innovation to promote scalability and replication. Within the project, we act as knowledge sharers and bridge builders.
In addition to New Energy Coalition, the consortium includes the following partners: Anonymos Etaireia Diorygas Korinthou AE(AEDIK), Dimos Loutrakiou-Perachoras-Agion Theodoron (MOL), Dimosia Epicheirisi Ilektrismou Anonymi Etaireia (PPC SA), Ecoferry Nayteki Etaireia (ECOFERRY), Elliniki Etaireia Symmetochon Kai Periousias A.E.- Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participation S.A. (HCAP), Ethnicon Metsovion Polytechnion (NTUA), Fen Research GMBH (FEN Research), Fulgor Monoprosopi Anonymi Eteria Elliniki Viomixania Kalodion (FULGOR A.E.), H2 Egypt, Hydrus Anotati Synektiki Michaniki Etaireia Symvoulon Anonymi Etaireia (HYDRUS), Idryma Technologias Kai Erevnas (FORTH), Kition Ocean Port LTD (Port of Larnaca), Motor Oil (Hellas) Diilistiria Korinthou A.E. (MOH), National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (NCSR “D”), New Energy Environmental Solutions & Technologies EE (NEEST), Nova Telecommunications & Media Single Member SA (NOVA), Odikes Sygkoinonies Anonymi Etaireia (OSY), Olympia Odos Anonymi Etairia Parachorisis Gia Ton Autokinitodromo Eleusina Korinthos Patra Pyrgos Tsakona (Olympia Odos), Omospondia Ergodoton & Viomichanon Kyprou (ΟΕΒ), Perifereia Peloponnisou (ROP), Piraeus Port Authority SA (PPA SA) and Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG).
This project has received funding from Clean Hydrogen Partnership of Horizon Europe under No 101112056. This page reflects the views only of the author, and Clean Hydrogen Partnership is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.