Protest Extinction Rebellion at Zernike Campus

Today Extinction Rebellion and Code Rood performed a protest action at Zernike Campus Groningen. The action focuses on Shell’s -supposed- influence on the University of Groningen (RUG) and Hanze University Groningen.
The projects and collaborations in which New Energy Coalition operates often involve many and very diverse parties.
New Energy Coalition is a network and knowledge coalition committed to a smart and successful transition to the sustainable energy system of the future. We drive joint activities and with our organizational strength we take energy projects further. We focus on education, research and innovation. This requires all parties to join forces. This is what happens in New Energy Coalition.
The government, in The Hague and Brussels, usually makes cooperation with private parties a precondition for subsidies for scientific research. The so-called co-financing. As New Energy Coalition, we bring about the co-financing and take the lead in asking the relevant research questions.
Scientific research – fundamental and applied, certainly if privately funded – is subject to critical consideration – this is useful and necessary. However, it would be undesirable (and not sustainable) to disqualify the accumulated and available knowledge and skills of private parties for that reason.
We are convinced that it is the logical and right thing to continue using the knowledge, expertise and available infrastructure as a springboard to a new energy future, as part of the enormous task of the energy transition.
A system transformation such as the energy transition, which today’s world stands to accomplish, will only be successful through cooperation of and commitment from all parties involved.