Published: Panorama Green Gas

This week the publication ‘Panorama Green Gas’ appeared on the production, technology, trade and transport of green gas. The emphasis in the overview is on what proven production methods are currently available in the Netherlands. The publication offers investors, policy-makers and permit-granting bodies an up-to-date and detailed overview of the sector and goes into the subsidy conditions and regulations surrounding this topical subject.

Renewable gas is increasingly seen as an indispensable part of the energy mix of the future. However, discussions on this topic often have a high academic, political and administrative content. The fact that the gas sector is already producing, trading and distributing renewable gas on a large scale, particularly green gas, is therefore less well known, even to those who are involved in the transition to a climate-neutral future in one form or another. In response, a brochure has now been published that brings together the knowledge on this aspect of the energy transition: Panorama Green Gas. The publication is aimed at everyone who is or will be involved with green gas in day-to-day practice.
For now, the Green Gas Panorama is limited to the technology and methods that are currently being used to produce green gas from biological raw materials. Promising forms of sustainable gas and production methods which have yet to prove themselves are therefore largely ignored in this document. The focus is on the various fermentation techniques currently used in 270 installations in the Netherlands.
The content follows the entire -current- value chain of green gas: raw materials, production techniques, installations in use, product diversity, producers and the transport and distribution of green gas. The regulations, guidelines and quality requirements of green gas are also discussed in detail, including subsidy options and conditions. In separate chapters, attention is paid to the financial and economic aspects of green gas production and the regulatory regime, and the various supervisory authorities with which producers have to deal.
Panorama Green Gas is an initiative of organisations and companies which are active in the green gas sector in various capacities: the Association of Green Gas Producers, the Biogas Sector Organisation, Green Gas Netherlands, GasTerra, the Royal Association of Gas Producers in the Netherlands (KVGN) and the Netherlands Government Service for Enterprises (MVO). Production was in the hands of New Energy Coalition.