Research agenda

New Energy Coalition aims to make energy-related research by our knowledge partners more visible, accessible, and to boost new research possibilities on our programme lines green molecules and system integration. To realise this, we develop our research agenda.
Our research agenda entails the following:
- The foundation is an overview of the main scientific research questions and challenges that researchers see (supply or inspiration driven, bottom-up). Refinement of these questions takes place by interaction with the industry and societal partners;
- The research agenda focuses on (mid-)long term research (horizon 3), but there is room for short term applied research providing this applied research contributes to the (mid-)long term objectives of the research agenda;
- Prioritisation or focus takes place via interaction between researchers, industry and societal partners, resulting in an agenda that determines the direction of the activities that New Energy Coalition will develop with partners in the coming years (e.g., research proposals, symposia, participation in networks etc.);
- Research agendas are drafted for several years and are adjusted annually based on new insights; also, to strengthen the contact with and between researchers.
When drafting the research agenda, we propose a broad overview per programme line. This overview serves as a scientific framework and introduces the agenda. In 2019, the research agenda for the themes Local Energy Systems, Industrial Transformation, and North Sea as an Energy Region (now all part of system integration) have been drafted.
The research agendas for green molecules will be developed in 2021.