Green Molecules

About three quarters of the energy in Europe is transported as molecules (gases). In the energy system of the future some is to be replaced by sustainable electricity. In 2050, the Netherlands alone needs approximately 1,000 pJ in the form of molecules. For industry, high temperature, heavy transport, balancing and other non-electrified applications.
Europe and the Netherlands are investing heavily in green gases. These should account for about 50% of the energy mix by 2050. The synergy between the (existing) infrastructure for gas, electricity and heat must keep the total system reliable and affordable. This requires new knowledge and cooperation. This comes together in our green molecules programme.
The playing field focuses on the role and value chains of green gas and hydrogen as ‘carriers’ of the energy transition. The production process and the raw materials used are different from today’s. The value chains are similar to the current value chains. With storage and transport via pipelines or in tanks by road and water to customers in industry and chemicals as bulk customers or in mobility and in built environment (particularly existing stock). There is a phase difference here. Green gas has progressed further, while green hydrogen is still at the beginning of the growth curve. The expectation is that the growth curve for hydrogen is steep and can make a substantial contribution to the transition task in the period ahead. The experiences of green gas can be shared and used, particularly for thresholds in the development and realisation phases, but also when it comes to regulations.