Symposium: Public participation in decision-making on energy transition

New Energy Coalition, in collaboration with University of Groningen, is organising a Symposium on public participation in decision-making on energy transition. This Symposium takes place on Thursday 9 may, in the Energy Academy building on the Zernike campus.
To combat climate change and its negative impacts, a transition from fossil fuels to more sustainable energy sources is needed. Public acceptability is key for a successful energy transition. However, proposed sustainable energy projects, such as wind parks, can trigger public resistance, which is often fuelled by top-down decision making and low engagement of the public. The Dutch Environmental Law emphasizes the importance and urgency of engaging the public in decision-making, but it gives little guidance for how to do that. This Symposium will address the question how to effectively engage the public in decision-making, aiming for a better and more socially acceptable energy transition.
Experts in Environmental Psychology, Law, Sociology and Political Sciences will present their perspective on public participation in decision-making. A recent large-scale survey in the province of Groningen will be presented, which reveals how people wish to be involved in decision- making on energy transition.
Speakers: dr. Goda Perlaviciute, dr. Lorenzo Squintani, dr. Sanne Akkerboom, dr. Christian Zuidema, and prof. dr. Frans Stokman.