Noordzee netwerkorganisaties verbonden aan Esbjerg Declaration

Deze week ondertekenen 7 netwerkorganisaties van de Noordzeelanden in Esbjerg (Denemarken) een manifest dat hen verbindt aan de Esbjerg Declaration van Noordzee-landen in mei jl, toen regeringsleiders van Denemarken, België, Duitsland en Nederland afspraken vastlegden over duurzame energie-inzet in de Noordzee.
Namens New Energy Coalition ondertekende algemeen directeur Marieke Abbink het manifest op vrijdag 7 oktober tijdens het Wind Meets Gas symposium in Groningen.
“Meer dan ooit tevoren is samenwerking essentieel in de ontwikkeling en het veiligstellen van ons toekomstig energiesysteem. Volgend op de overeenkomst in de Esbjerg Verklaring door regeringsleiders is het nu aan de aangesloten clusterorganisaties als de onze om de afspraken om te zetten in concrete acties. Wij zijn klaar voor de volgende stap,” aldus Abbink.
Uit de bekendmaking en de samenwerkingsovereenkomst:
Wind energy, energy islands, Power-to-X, carbon capture and storage, sector coupling…
There is a wide potential for collaborations about technological innovation in the North Sea. That was emphasised when seven European clusters from Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, and Denmark singed a joint manifesto in Esbjerg, Denmark on October 6.
All seven clusters represent large enterprises, small and medium sized companies, start-ups, and research institutions – all working with innovation around the North Sea.
The clusters that signed the manifesto are Energy Transition Norway, Flux50, Renewable Energy Hamburg, New Energy Coalition, Wind & Hydrogen Association WAB e.V., Blauwe Cluster, and Energy Cluster Denmark.
North Sea Cluster Collaboration Agreement
Energy Transition Norway, Flux50, Renewable Energy Hamburg, New Energy Coalition, The Network for Wind Energy, Blauwe Cluster, and Energy Cluster Denmark
have agreed to sign the following declaration
Following the Esbjerg Declaration in 2022, there is a need to gather relevant organisations around innovation and technology development in the North Sea as to support the ambitious goals for European renewable energy from the North Sea, including offshore wind and green hydrogen, contributing to both EU climate neutrality and energy security.
We, partnering Cluster organisations in the North Sea region, see the huge potential for collaborative innovation activities involving companies and knowledge institutions in the North Sea to realise the ambitions for the North Sea as Green Power Plant for Europe.